Racing Rail Car Model

In times when screens are killing our children’s creativity, it’s up to you to choose games that will help train their brains and shape their future skills,
This is that type of adventure game that will not only boost your kids’ intelligence to make them stand out among their peers but will also make you think: “Where has this been all my childhood?
Guiding the toy cars through the obstacles and passing each challenge makes it great training for improving kids' motor skills, problem-solving, logical thinking, color perception, and hand-eye coordination.
Experiencing the thrill of victory after passing each challenge helps your child develop great decision–making skills and healthy self-esteem while enjoying hours of fun.
Experiencing the thrill of victory after passing each challenge helps your child develop great decision–making skills and healthy self-esteem while enjoying hours of fun.
With 4 mini cars, 6 control buttons, and 8 different challenges, your children are guaranteed to stay busy and engaged for hours without a single sign of boredom and more importantly, without harmful screen time (this may even give you some spare time to get things done
Made of high-quality ABS plastic material, non-toxic water-based paint, and polished smooth edges so you never have to worry about your child’s safety. It is also 100% mechanical, making it battery-free.
Playing with your children improves the parent-child relationship and creates unforgettable memories. Playing it with friends and family can also provide kids their daily dose of family connection and improve their teamwork ability.